Winter Holiday Inspo: moody Fistral beach in pictures

Throughout December, January and February, Fistral beach is battered with winter atlantic wind and rain. This iconic surf beach, often pictured with azure skies and sparkling blue waves in the summer, is a different place all together after a rough storm. Moody, picturesque and bracing, it’s the best place for a winter’s afternoon walk. You’ll be one of just a few brave souls on the beach, making for some brilliant instagram-worthy shots. Afterwards, you can warm up with a hot chocolate and some chips at the Fistral Beach Bar, or head into town to one of Newquay’s excellent pubs for a comforting meal. To give you some winter holiday inspiration, here’s just a few of our favourite shots of a stunning Fistral beach in February.

Fistral Storm

This atmospheric stormy sky could inspire the next Turner-prize winner…

Fistral Sunset 2

There’s something special about the hazy winter sunlight reflecting off the beach at low tide

Fistal Surf Club

And, with hardly anyone about, there’s lots of room to warm up by playing a winter game of frisbee.

Fistral Beach

Some are brave enough to surf in winter. But you’ll need gloves, boots and a hood if you don’t want your extremities to suffer!


Fistral Stones

Sometimes the storms wash up treasure such as driftwood; they’re also essential for polishing sea glass. 

Fistral Beach Bar

You’re now extra deserving of that hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.

Booking a winter break in Newquay will be a completely surreal experience: far fewer people, incredible seascapes and a cosy cottage to come back to when its rough outside.